
Here are some tips on how to resolve any problems that might arise.

antHill Activation - Can't Find the Antsle

Here is a series of videos for trouble shooting anthill activation.

1. Basic connectivity

Are you plugged into the correct ethernet port? The default ethernet port is 'br0' and is the only port enabled when new out of the box.

2. antHill, enter SN# and password

The SN# can be found on the bottom of your Antsle.

3. Verify the root password

4. Check anthilld service and internet connectivity

edgeLinux Rollback (for versions before 2.0)

If you need to roll back to the previous version after running an edgeLinux upgrade, follow these steps:

You'll need to create a bootable USB stick with the following image:

Once you have the USB ready, connect a monitor, a keyboard and the USB stick; then boot from it.

Once in the sysrec OS, download the rollback shell script and execute. You can use the following commands to do so:

wget -c
chmod +x

After the script finishes, shutdown your server by executing:

shutdown -h now

Remove the USB stick, and boot normally. You should be able to access your previous environment before the upgrade.

Cannot access antMan using <myantslename>.local from a browser


  • Is the power LED on?

  • Please check the power adapter is firmly plugged into Antsle's DC power connector and that the power button has been pressed to turn your Antsle on.

Ethernet Connection

  • Is your ethernet cable plugged into the correct ethernet port?

  • Is there a link light on the ethernet port and switch/router?

  • Are you connected to the same subnet (same switch or vlan) as the Antsle?

.local name resolution

  • Does your computer resolve the .local domain name to an IP address? Test with a ping which should return the private IP address of the Antsle.

ping antsle_name.local


  • If you get google search results instead of antMan you may need to use 'http://' in the url

  • antMan is listening on port 3000, try

  • If you know the IP address of the Antsle, you can open antMan with:

  • You can find the IP address by connecting a keyboard and monitor to the Antsle and login as the root user. At the command line, run:

ifconfig br0


  • The avahi service (mDNS) on the Antsle is what advertises the .local names. It uses IP multicast address and udp port 5353. Any chance you have a firewall blocking on your workstation or your router?

You can also try modifying your local hosts file

InstantSSL not working

Here are the things to keep in mind regarding the InstantSSL. ( subdomains)

The InstantSSL domain name resolves to the private IP of the antsle as seen in the antMan dashboard (the IP on br0). If this IP is in a private IP address range, e.g. 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x thru 172.31.x.x or 192.168.x.x, then it cannot be reached from the public internet. Only from the local LAN.

Nginx on the edgeLinux OS handles the SSL cert and the connection to antMan. The Nginx service should be running. You can check with the command:

systemctl status nginx
systemctl status restart

The anthilld service queries the antHill database for the domain name and handles installing the SSL cert and adding the nginx conifg file for the domain name. The anthilld service should be running

systemctl status anthilld
systemctl restart anthilld

The antsle must be able to communicate with the public internet?

ping -c3
ping -c3
ping -c3

The nginx config file that is created by anthilld is '' and should exist in /etc/nginx/conf.d/

ls /etc/nginx/conf.d

I cannot SSH into my Antsle

I don't know how to ssh from my Mac or Linux machine.

  • On MacOS or Linux, you can launch the Terminal app.

  • Run the 'ssh' command

ssh root@antsle_name.local

and enter your root password when prompted.

I don't know how to ssh from my Windows PC.

  • Install an ssh client on your PC, such as PuTTY or MobaXterm.

  • Start a new ssh session, enter antsle_name.local as the host, root as the user name and use your root password.

  • You can leave the port at the default setting (22).

I cannot access my antlets

http://antlet10.local does not show the antlet.

You first need to install something in your antlet, e.g. Apache. See

Some antlets can take considerable time to start up, especially KVM antlets. So please wait a few minutes and try again.

I cannot SSH into my antlet.

Please make sure you've started the antlet and it is shown as Running in antman. Some antlets can take considerable time to start up, especially KVM antlets. So please wait a few minutes and try again.

Try to SSH into antsle first, and from there into your antlet.

Please make sure you're using the correct port number.

I get a 502 Bad Gateway error when connecting to an antlet?If you are trying to connect to an antlet according to the instructions in 'Access antlets Locally' e.g. http://antlet10.local , you must have some web server software installed and running on that antlet.

No Available Templates are displayed

If the available templates list is empty and you have not downloaded all of our available templates, you may have an ad-blocker plugin in your browser. Try creating an exception for antMan.

Refreshing the Templates page may cause this issue as well. Just navigate to another page and back again and the Available Templates will be populated again.

USB Pass Through: Did not find USB device

The error: Internal error: Did not find USB device bus:X device:Y is displayed when starting an antlet with a USB Pass Through device.

The issue here is the USB device number will increment if the USB is removed and plugged back in. Or the USB has been removed before it was disabled in antMan.

To resolve this we need to edit the xml for the antlet. In antlet details in the USBs tab get the new device number for your USB. Then from the command line of the antsle:, Open the xml of the antlet for editing with

EDITOR-nano virsh edit ANTLET_NAME

Near the bottom you will find the '<hostdev...' section. Edit the 'device=' number with the new device number. Or remove the entire <hostdev... section if the USB is no longer attached to the antsle.

<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb' managed='yes'>
        <address bus='1' device='5'/>

Save and exit. Now the antlet should start.

Importing VM files error

Wrong number of args (0) passed to: core/juxtThis error will occur if you delete all the templates from 'Manage templates'Getting error: Server responded with 0 codeIf running antsleOS version below 0.4.0 and antman 0.7.0, there is a 16GB limitation if you use http://myantsle.local URL. Look up your Private IP in antman, say it is Then navigate to to access antman. With that URL, you should be able to import templates bigger than 16GB.

antlets will not start: 'bblv' is not active

Error: Requested operation is not valid: network 'bblv' is not active.

The internal network (for the antlets) is a NAT'ed network and must be different than the LAN your antsle is connected to. We suggest using 10.1.1. for base-ip. If the LAN the antsle is connected to is using that same network address then the antlets base IP can be changed in antMan > Settings > Base IP.

The base IP can be set from the command line as well with the following command:

antsleOS-baseip set x.x.x.

replacing x.x.x. with a unique network address. Note, include the last '.'

To start the 'bblv' network from the antlse's command line, run:

virsh net-start bblv

If you get an error referencing 'tun', run the following command:

echo 'modules="tun"' >> /etc/conf.d/modules

Reboot. You can check the status of the internal networks with:

virsh net-list --all

Vnc Console

Mouse cursor not in sync with the display

If the antlet was running during the last upgrade, then you just need to Stop->Wait->Start the antlet; please note that clicking Reboot will not suffice, as it would just trigger Operating System level reboot and it won't reload any changes done on the domain definition.

There are many issues with IE, not recommended.

You can also try clearing your browser cache.

If the antlet was imported you may need to make a change to the xml definition First ssh to the Antsle and run:

EDITOR=nano virsh edit ANTLET_NAME

and add:

<input type='tablet' bus='usb'></input>

Before the </devices> tag near the bottom.

Windows Server Essentials

Currently versions of Windows Server Essentials will not install on the Antsle.

Ethernet ports layout and names

Antsle one, Antsle one Pro, Antsle one Ultra

Ethernet port

Bridge name

Interface name


Port 0




Port 1




Port 2




Port 3




Antsle one XD, Antsle one XD Pro, Antsle one XD Ultra

Ethernet port

Bridge name

Interface name


Port 0




Port 1




Port 2




Port 3




Antsle one XD

Ethernet port

Bridge name

Interface name


Port 0




Port 1




Hosts file

Modifying the local 'hosts' file can be useful for testing nginx domain name forwarding or if your machine is not working well with mDNS (resolving myantsle.local).The 'hosts' file on your local machine works like a local DNS. Your local machine will first check the local 'hosts' file to resolve a URL before making a DNS request. If the URL is found in the local 'hosts' file the IP address configured will be used and no DNS request will be made.

You can manually enter IP address to host name mappings in this file.                     # company db server     ulab         # test server  router2  r2  # internal router     myantsle.local         myantsle     # antsle           myantlet     # antlet on antsle

The first column contains the IP address of the host. The second column contains the primary host name. The following columns are aliases. Anything following a '#' sign on a line is ignored (a comment).

On Windows, right click the icon to lauch NotePad and choose 'Run as Administrator'. Then open and edit the 'hosts' file which is located in


On Mac open a terminal and run nano with elevated privileges

sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

On Linux open a terminal and use nano or vi with elevated privileges

sudo nano /etc/hosts

In case you have any questions or comments, please contact us. Don’t hesitate, we’re friendly.

Last updated